La Voz de Galicia – April 29, 2022 →
The truth is that I have always liked to dance. To dance my way, without rules; to dance just because, as another way of expressing myself, of communicating with myself. For me, there is always something fascinating and liberating in movement, something I can’t express with words. And over the last few days, I realized that the only part I miss of that other life that I left behind some time ago (the life on stage) is the free and happy movement that emanated from my body while I played. Without filters. Without shame. With closed eyes, allowing the body to converse with the music.
I also thought about when my father lived and played so that people would sing and dance in any possible place. For my father, any place served a stage. And I thought about the parties at Luisa and Félix’s house, about those dances lasting until all hours with my mother, with my sisters, with those I loved most…about that feeling of being able to dance what one feels, without having to worry about what others think because when one is with one’s loved ones, dancing as a community, one is not afraid of being judged.
And today, during the International Dance Day, I can’t stop asking myself (as so many other times before) what would happen if dance were required in public schools, if suddenly all children could free their complex emotions through movement. What would happen if public education would help us relate to one another through wordless expression, through imagination and communal creativity? By means of an open dance, without more rules than following the respect and beauty of the different ways that our bodies have of expressing emotions…Perhaps something as simple as this would help us understand one another better, in an individual as well as in a collective way. .