The Wall of a Museum

La Voz de Galicia – April 26, 2024 →

Cristina PatoI must admit that when I read the news, I felt a sense of joy, as I have often pondered the reasons why some works end up hanging on museum walls and others do not. The case is that, in late February, an employee of the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich decided to hang a work created by himself on the museum walls, which exhibits, among others, works by Picasso and Kandinsky.

According to statements from the Pinakothek to The Guardian, «The employee considers himself as an artist and most likely saw his role in the museum’s installation team as a day job to support his true calling,» And the truth is that he went completely unnoticed when he made two holes to hang his 60 x 120 cm painting, which was not discovered until shortly after the museum opened, but was also not removed from its walls until the end of the day. This work’s glory was short-lived, but I believe it was a truly poetic gesture for an artist about whom the only thing that transcended is that he was an employee of the museum (he has since been fired) and that he is fifty-one years old.

This is not the first time someone has hung their work without permission in a museum, but this case caught my attention more than others. In some media reports, it was said that the person was a highly respected employee, and he was not a teenager, but a middle-aged person. Suddenly, I began to imagine the multitude of thoughts he must have felt to plan and execute his masterpiece: the installation of the work. And although the museum ensured that neither the person’s name nor the image of the work in question transcended, a part of me is glad that this person reached that wall, where he wanted to be, even if only for a moment.

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