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2021 Recap: Looking backwards to move forward…

Looking backward: take a look at this video we’ve created to recap Cristina’s journey in 2021, which includes footage from the ESENCIAIS initiative, and live music from a performance with singer Rosa Cedrón.

ATLANTIC WATERS: Real Filharmonía de Galicia

The Real Filharmonía de Galicia has presented its new album, made with Odradek Records with the support of Xacobeo 2021-2022. “Atlantic Waters” brings together works by four contemporary Galician composers: Eduardo Soutullo, Fernando Buide, Juan Durán and Octavio Vázquez, and soloists Cristina Pato (bagpiper), Raquel Lojendio (soprano) and Alba Barreiro (harpist).

Fall News

Although Cristina is taking some time off from performing, on August 29th she accompanied singer/cellist Rosa Cedrón at the historic Monastery of Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil.

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ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC

In April 2022, NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center will turn 25. To commemorate this milestone, we are producing ATRIUM: Voices from the KJCC, an oral history project that will capture memories of the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center through the recorded testimonies of our past Chairs.

Y a mi que me cuentas - RNE 3 podcast


Take a listen to this wonderful podcast (in Spanish) from RNE (Spanish National Radio). Recorded earlier this year, Carolina Alba … More

Harvard University: Mind Brain Behavior Initiative

Cristina has been invited by Dr. Lisa Wong to collaborate with Harvard University’s Interfaculty Initiative: Mind, Brain, Behavior. During the Spring semester Cristina will be co-teaching a seminar named “Creativity at the Edge: Health, Music and Community” in collaboration with Lisa Wong.

Carasso Foundation Committed Artist Award

The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation has announced the recipients of the Committed Artist Award. This first edition of the award emphasizes the value of meaningful artistic practices developed within the framework of collective and social projects. The award aims to bring to light outstanding artistic commitments.