Cristina Pato Directs “The Vindel Parchment: A Musical Journey”

Pergamiño VindelThe historical Vindel Parchment, the jewel of Galician secular music where Martin Codax’s cantigas de amigo are collected, returns to its hometown Vigo, after 700 years! The thirteenth-century manuscript will remain in Vigo’s Museo do Mar until March 2018.

Cristina Pato has been invited by the University of Vigo to produce a show celebrating this historical occasion. “The Vindel Parchment: A Musical Journey” will be held in December with a format that combines music and conversation with experts on the historical document, the concert will include seven arrangements of the original songs made by renowned Galician artists from styles such as jazz, early, modern and traditional music.

The Vindel Parchment: A Musical Journey will take place on december 19 at the Teatro Afundación in Vigo.

Before that though, Cristina will be touring again through the US with the Cristina Pato QUARTET in November, in a series of performances that includes: Chapel Hill, NC (Memorial Hall, University of North Carolina – November 3rd), Erie, PA (Bruno’s Cafe, Pennsylvania State University – November 14th), Princeton University, NJ (Richardson Auditorium – November 16th), and Longwood Gardens, PA (November 17th)

Cristina at Project Zero 50th Anniversary CelebrationBetween November 20 and 21, Cristina will also take part in a conference held at the University of Santiago de Compostela: I Congreso Internacional da Asociación Galega de Investigadoras e Investigadores en Comunicación “Alén das Fronteiras: Redes na Diversidade”.

In other news, on October 13th and 14th Cristina was honored to represent the Silkroad in the celebration of Harvard’s Project Zero 50th Anniversary, with Howard Gardner, David Perkins and Steve Seidel.

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