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Wall Street Journal – January 10, 2013 →
“The 32-year-old Spanish virtuoso makes unique music on an uncommon instrument: She’s one of the major living masters of the gaita (though she also plays piano and flute, and sings), and her performances feature elements of world and folk music, pop, classical (often in the company of Yo Yo Ma) and even choreography. So where else would she appear in New York but Jazz Standard? The gaita is sometimes described as the Galician equivalent of the bagpipes, yet the sound Ms. Pato extracts from this device (though it often looks like she’s wrestling an octopus) is more a cross between a soprano saxophone and an accordion. Tuesday’s show marks the release of her new album, “Migrations,” which, on tracks like Bill Evans’s “Blue in Green” and Antonio Carlos Jobim’s “Dindi,” demonstrates the transmutability of Ms. Pato’s playing and singing, as well as why she belongs in a jazz club as much as anywhere else.”
NPR Music – January 19, 2013 →
Cristina Pato is a jazz pianist from Spain who also plays flute and sings. But on her new album, Migrations, there’s a striking sound not often heard in jazz: a bagpipe. Pato has been playing the traditional gaita (pronounced “GY-tah”), a version of the bagpipe from her native region of Galicia, since she was 4 years old.
“I think right now in Galicia, there are more bagpipe players than soccer players, which is a very big statement to say,” Pato says. “But, you know, bagpipes, they are all around the world, and they are all related to the people where they are from. … It’s probably one of the oldest instruments in history.”
The gaita’s stark, commanding sound is an odd fit for jazz, but Pato says she’s been able to use that contrast to her advantage.
“I think that is the reason I get so passionate about the instrument,” she says. “It has so many beautiful limitations that really make you work harder to get things done.”
The New York Times – January 14, 2013 →
“Ms. Pato is a pianist of percussive clarity, and a flutist and singer of warmer, softer effect. But the instrument on which she slays is the gaita, a bagpipe of traditional use in Galicia, her homeland in the northwest corner of Spain. She’s a virtuoso, and when she opens the floodgates of her technique, as she does on an Emilio Solla tune called “Remain Alert,” the force can knock you back a few steps. (…)”
The New York Times – September 16, 2006 →
“If you have never thought of the bagpipe as a particularly sensuous instrument (and who has?), Ms. Pato will amaze you. Her playing dismisses any notion of a square, martial quality, infusing almost constant exotic coloration, finding entire ranges of microtones between pitches and bending one into another. The makeup and technique of the Galician bagpipe, she says, give more control in these matters, but there is also a considerable artistic temperament at work — what Mr. Golijov calls “something incredibly primal.”
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Herald Tribune – April 20th, 2018 →
“Pato, who had already distinguished herself as a goddess on the Galician pipes, composed and narrated My Lethe Story. Painting heartbreaking pictures she wove musical poetry through the story of her own mother’s river of forgetfulness. It was just magical.”
La Voz de Galicia – April 16th, 2018 →
“Unha das novidades desta nova xira musical é que por vez primeira vai estar en xira a peza composta por Pato sobre a perda da memoria da súa nai: «My Lethe Story: O Río do Esquecemento», un proxecto sobre o que traballou hai anos tomando como base o mito do río Limia. Entre outros temas, nesta serie de concertos ofrécese un repertorio único que inclúe a peza «The Latina 6/8 Suite», obra concibida e encargada pola ourensá ao compositor Edward Perez para o seu último disco, «Latina»”
Faro de Vigo – December 17th, 2017 →
“La maestra gaitera y pianista Cristina Pato está al frente como directora artística de un sorprendente y único Concerto de Nadal de la Universidade de Vigo dedicado al Pergamino Vindel (20.30 horas, martes 19), que se expone en el Museo do Mar de Vigo hasta el próximo 4 de marzo tras ser cedido temporalmente por la Morgan Library de Nueva York.”
Faro de Vigo – December 9th, 2017 →
“De la sones de la gaita, que ella separó de cualquier criterio de género, traspasando fronteras como una de la primeras mujeres gaiteiras, a la considerada música culta o de cámara, otra faceta en la que goza la máxima formación profesional como virtuosa del piano.
La ourensana Cristina Pato, una de las artistas más poliédricas e internacionales que ha dado la ciudad de As Burgas, vuelve a casa el día 14 de diciembre en la antesala de la Navidad, para ofrecer en el Teatro Principal un concierto dentro del IV ciclo Enclave de Cámara, un recital en el que Cristina Pato, actuará al piano, acompañada por el norteamericano Nicholas Cords a la viola.”
Codalario – June, 2016 →
“Conocí antes a la Cristina Pato pianista que a la gaitera, y las dos me gustan, es más, me apasionan. Es música por encima de todo, y precisamente es esa extraordinaria formación musical la que seduce a quien la escuche o se acerque a ella. Cristina Pato se aleja de cualquier estereotipo, no es deudora de nada, es definitivamente genuina. Epitomizó la velada, su entrada en escena, elegantísima, anunciaba una noche de sinceridad extrema. Comulgó y se entregó a la partitura en cuerpo y alma. El público que asistió el viernes al teatro Afundación se enamoró de Cristina, el impecable virtuosismo del último movimiento, afinación y sonido concluyeron en un apoteósico final con propina incluida: Ella, sola, no podía ser de otra manera. Octavio Vázquez subió al escenario para recibir sentidas y emocionadas ovaciones.”
Downbeat – January, 2016 →
“On the wilder side of things, the Cristina Pato Quartet’s Latina is built around explosive 6/8 rhythms, and Pato plays her Galician bagpipes (called gaita) with bold authority. Her band—bassist Edward Perez, drummer Eric Doob and accordionist Victor Prieto—kicks up a charging racket behind her. But Pato’s virtuoso playing is the clear star of the show. The gaita typically includes a bass drone, but she often eschews it in favor of greater harmonic freedom, finding a surprisingly violin-like tone. Her melodic lines swoop and flutter, and her command of the instrument’s dynamic range is superb; her playing on “Llegará, Llegará, Llegará” is ferocious, while on “Landó: Maria Landó,” she concludes a solo with a gentle legato trail-off. The gaita may never take its place alongside the saxophone as a common jazz lead, but Latina is revelatory nonetheless.”
RootsWorld – August 28, 2015 →
“Cristina Pato, Davide Salvado, Anxo Pintos and Roberto Comesaña have come together to create Rústica, a project that one could best describe as a homecoming. The project highlights the inner workings of this small ensemble, and the result is decidedly not the over-produced product of a world music superstar. Cristina Pato’s incredible gaita playing does not overwhelm the musicians, and the performances are so pure that Pato does not emerge as a leader as much as an integral part of a quartet speaking with one mind”
Jazziz Magazine – August 13, 2015 →
“On Latina (Sunnyside), Pato and her quartet tackle a stimulating repertoire based on folkloric rhythms from the Americas and Spain. The centerpiece, “Latina 6/8 Suite,” features six movements that explore indigenous music genres that include Peru’s landó and Spain’s muiñeira. “The Afro-Colombian currulao, which I play on piano, was very challenging,” Pato says. “And, as a bagpiper, the fandango is hard to deliver in an eloquent way.””
World Music Report – May 13, 2015 →
“The late cellist Jacqueline Du Pré and the legendary percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie, and now the virtuoso Galician bagpiper (gaita player) Cristina Pato… Very few musicians of any gender have more visceral energy and vivacity than these three musicians.(…) This music on ‘Latina’ gets to you if you open your heart. In fact it will pry open the gateway to your soul and if you resist, it will get you anyway.”
Chicago Tribune – March 7, 2015 →
“None of them commanded attention quite as boldly as Silk Road’s single female member, Cristina Pato, doubling on gaita (Galician bagpipes) and piano in “The Latina 6/8 Suite,” a frisky quadripartite piece that links original music by Edward Perez with traditional folk material from Spain and Latin America, all of it in 6/8 time.
I don’t know which was more fun to watch and hear – the piercing wails of Pato’s pipes, her dancing or the easy fluidity with which she and her colleagues traded the intricate rhythms they produced on their diverse instruments, or sometimes just clapped out.”
La Voz de Galicia – February 11, 2015 →
“Fala Cristina Pato de crises persoais nun pequeno texto que abre o libreto que incorpora a carpeta do álbum Rústica, de crises e do que estas no eido creativo poden achegar, da crise que está no cerne deste novo proxecto. E aínda que non o explica de maneira nidia pode entenderse que, nas velocidades nas que se move New York, e ata o jazz, a gaiteira tivo un brote agudo de morriña. Iso e un encontro casual nas rúas de Ourense co «cancioneiro vivo» -ou andante- Davide Salvado, a quen non coñecía persoalmente. De aí parece que sae o xermolo dun cuarteto de virtuosos que completan a zanfona de Anxo Pintos e o acordeón de Roberto Comesaña, músicos cos que ela xa traballara noutras ocasións.”
Faro de Vigo – February 11, 2015 →
“Rústica” es el resultado, en forma de disco, de una “historia de amor” entre cuatro grandes personalidades de la música gallega, Cristina Pato, Davide Salvado, Anxo Pintos y Roberto Comesaña, todos ellos responsables máximos de una singular propuesta que salió ayer al mercado. El proyecto hecho realidad, explican Cristina Pato y Davide Salvado, es fruto de encuentros casuales, y de sincronización, afinidades y varios descubrimientos mutuos entre los integrantes del mismo.
El Periódico – November 21, 2014 →
“La gaitera, cantante, y pianista Cristina Pato sorprende a todo aquel que la descubre. Su interés por la ‘world music’, su formación clásica y su curiosidad por el jazz la han convertido en una intérprete versátil, ávida de descubrir nuevos territorios como demostrará con el estreno del primer concierto sinfónico creado para ella que interpretará junto a la Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (OSV), dirigida por Rubén Gimeno, su titular”
La Vanguardia – November 19, 2014 →
“La gaitera Cristina Pato estrenará el próximo 22 de noviembre en el Palau de la Música “Concierto para Pato y orquesta”, una obra que ha compuesto Emilio Solla especialmente para ella y la Orquesta Sinfónica del Vallés. Cristina Pato cantará y tocará la gaita, el piano y el pandeiro, según han informado los organizadores de este concierto, que forma parte del Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona y del ciclo Sinfónicos en el Palau.”
La Voz de Galicia – August 19, 2014 →
“El cineasta Morgan Neville grabó en Ourense varias secuencias con Cristina Pato para el documental «The Sound of Silk», sobre el grupo Silk Road Essemble”
La Voz de Galicia – August 16, 2014 →
“Combinando la gaita con otros instrumentos como el piano o la pandereta, Cristina Pato animó al público a ir de su mano en un viaje que recorrió «todas as linguaxes musicais» que marcaron su vida.”
La Voz de Galicia – July 10, 2014 →
“La internacional pianista y gaiteira ourensana Cristina Pato visitó ayer el San Simón Fiddle, campamento musical organizado por la asociación Galicia Fiddle que se está desarrollando en la Isla de San Simón hasta el día 13 (…)”
La Voz de Galicia – June 26, 2014 →
“Cristina Pato siempre encuentra un hueco para esta en su ciudad. O más de uno. Las Festas de Ourense no le son ajenas, no solo por haber disfrutado de ellas durante muchos años, sino también por haber sido pregonera. Ayer actuó ante el público más cercano.”