Spring News

In the month of April, coinciding with the celebrations of World Book Day, Cristina and the historic Liceo Recreo de Ourense (which also has a place in No día do seu enterro (On His Burial Day)) have decided to celebrate together the anniversary of the publication of Cristina’s first novel with an event in the Salón Noble, where Cristina was accompanied by Jose Luis Troitiña, manager of the Liceo.

No día do seu enterro (On His Burial Day), published by Galaxia Editorial in April 2022, is already in its third reprint and has been very well received both by readers and critics:

“A literary piece in the form of a sonata, with an intimate tone and sweet musicality.”

–María Doallo, La Voz de Galicia

“A novel that speaks of the struggle to survive, human values, and active women, written in an agile, well-articulated discourse, with touches of lyricism.”

–Camiño Noia, Revista Tempos Novos, Tempos Dixital

“An original novel that has a certain languid tone of the “nouveau roman,” and that recalls things from the early works of Méndez Ferrín.”

–Vicente Araguas, La Revista, La Región

“In the background are emigration or life in the neighborhoods. Humble people with values and a way of life that is not idealized and tends to contrast with those of the more affluent social classes.”

–Montse González, Sermos Galiza, Nós Diario

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