July brought Cristina to Rosalía de Castros’s home, for the festival Abride A Fiestra, hosted by the Rosalía de Castro Foundation. Among other performances and activities, Cristina offered a duo concert with her musical partner for ten years, talented accordionist Roberto Comesaña. She also performed with Ugia Pedreira, playing Rosalía’s old piano: you can watch it in this video.
Next up, as is tradition already, Cristina will celebrate the National Day of Galicia on July 25th performing live in the TVG Special Broadcast of the Día de Santiago.
Then, Cristina returns to the University of California Santa Barbara, where she will be teaching her summer course about Memory, in collaboration with Professor Kenneth S. Kosik (Neuroscience) and Kim Yasuda (Arts). Cristina’s relationship with UCSB is deeply connected to the Arnhold Teaching and Learning Initiative. Led by Cristina, this initiative takes a multi-dimensional and creative approach to student learning that engage students in applying interdisciplinary methods and perspectives to project-based learning.
This summer the class will be focused on memory and migration.