Galaxia Editorial has published a fictional story written by Cristina in their new literary release called The Book of Soccer. Cristina’s contribution, “Crónicas de Minucias,” is a story set in a future dystopian reality that focuses on the “isms” related to political correctness and soccer.
In June, Cristina participated in the Ourense Book Fair, writing the inaugural proclamation focused on the role of literature in personal and societal development and presenting the book Escola de mulleres by the writer Inma López Silva.
During the month of July, Cristina collaborates once again with musician and pediatrician Dr. Lisa M. Wong as the co-creator and co-leader of the summer seminar for Harvard University‘s Mind Brain Behavior initiative. The seminar, titled “Creativity at the Edge: Health, Music, and Community,” is inspired by the relationship between medicine, music, and community.