This December Cristina will be back in Galicia presenting her novel No día do seu enterro (On His Burial Day).
On Saturday December 10th, at 12.30pm, Cristina will take part of the 7th edition of the literary festival Entreverbas, a cultural initiative designed to bring culture to the rural areas of Galicia. Organized by Asociación Xanela, Entreverbas’ coordinator, Xosé Manuel Martínez XESPI, will engage in a public conversation with Cristina in bar SanRokán, Cabreira (Salvaterra de Miño).
On Wednesday December 14th, Cristina will be signing copies of No día do seu enterro at the bookstore of El Corte Inglés in A Coruña (5th floor).
On Thursday December 15th, Cristina will take part in the conference “Xacobeo Peregrinas“, that will take place at the auditorium of the IES Otero Pedrayo (Ourense), at 6.30pm.
And during the last month of the year Cristina will be visiting various educational organizations, including the CEIP Emilia Pardo Bazán in A Coruña, the Carmelitas School in Ourense, and the Asociación Cultural Música e Cultura de Galicia en Ourense.