November brings Cristina several events in some of the most prestigious education centers of the US: On Friday November 1st Boston…
An Invisible Ancestry and the Unquiet Genes of the Brain – KJCC at NYU
On Thursday, October 17, Cristina hosts the second public lecture as King Juan Carlos I of Spain Chair in Spanish…
Video Presentation of the 2019-2020 King Juan Carlos Chair Program Curated by Cristina Pato
Here’s a nice little video released by NYU’s King Juan Carlos Center, introducing Cristina as 2019-2020 King Juan Carlos Chair.
Transcending Disciplines: An Artist’s Journey to Cultural Sustainability – KJCC at NYU
On September 26, Cristina offers her first public lecture as King Juan Carlos I of Spain Chair in Spanish Culture and Civilization at NYU.
Academic Engagements
The second week of September marks the wrap-up of Cristina’s Summer course for the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)…
Summer News
July brought Cristina to Rosalía de Castros’s home, for the festival Abride A Fiestra, hosted by the Rosalía de Castro…
Cristina Pato to Serve as 2019-2020 King Juan Carlos Chair of Spanish Culture And Civilization at NYU
The King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center is pleased to announce that Cristina Pato, Galician bagpiper, musician, writer, producer, and educator, will serve as King Juan Carlos Chair for the 2019-2020 academic year at New york University.
Spring News
During this month of May Cristina has been embarked in the production of Yo-Yo Ma’s Day of Action in Barcelona.…
Cristina Pato Quartet Blows Away Vancouver Audience
The Cristina Pato Quartet was received in Vancouver last thursday April 11th with a full house and standing ovations at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.
US Silkroad Tour and a Premiere
Cristina will be touring the US with Silkroad this month, and she is incredibly excited to perform the world premiere of Remolinos, a new piece for Galician bagpipe and marimba, written by Edward Perez.
Australia and New Zealand Tour
After a successful Winter Tour through the US, Cristina is very exited to set off with the Silkroad Ensemble in their very first tour in Australia and New Zealand.
“The Farewells” Exhibition at Ellis Island
On February 9th, in collaboration with the Consello da Cultura Galega (Council for Galician Culture) and the Secretaría Xeral de…