Aquí vai un pequeno vídeo publicado polo King Juan Carlos Center da Universidade de Nova York, presentando a Cristina como catedrática Rei Juan Carlos para o curso académico 2019-2020.
Vídeo de presentación da programación da Cátedra Juan Carlos I 2019/2020 dirixida por Cristina Pato

Pato inspires and brings out through THE ARTS the very best of what it is to be human: GRACIAS.
Dr. Cristina:
I had the very memorable opportunity to attend a concert in Guadalajara, Espana where you performed. I was in Spain for a scientific conference in 2006 associated with the university I was attending. I am a Scottish Highland bagpiper, and pianist and was always so appreciative of your energy and talent. It has been an inspiration to me these many years since. You bless the world with your passion. A thought: Have you considered starting a musical foundation to provide lessons to incarcerated women, or to youth in Spain? Just a thought. Perhaps I new path for you in the future.
Warm regards and gratitude:
Shaunna Goldberry